Who is you blink-182 boyfriend?

Quiz about which member of blink-182 you'll marry...even though most of them are already married...:) I couldn't find any quizzes that tell you who your blink-182 soulmate is, so I made my own!

Seriously, just for fun! But who takes these quizzes seriously, anyway?? Good luck in finding the man of your dreams! And yes... I did steal this idea. The quiz I was "inspired" by is called "Which member of Metallica will you marry?"

Created by: AmazingEmoNerd
  1. What's your favorite type of hairstyle for your guy?
  2. Which outfit do you like your guy to rock out in?
  3. Which instrument does your guy rock?
  4. What does your love do in his spare time?
  5. How tall is your guy?
  6. Your guy's best quality?
  7. Your guy is from:
  8. Your guy is...
  9. Your guy:
  10. At a concert you enjoy:

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