Who is my soulmate?

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Do you want to know who you will be spending your life with? Well take this quiz! It may not always be accurate but it will help clear some things up at least!

I don't know what to put here so I'm gonna put some random letters. Sorry. Hnbjvfhbghbvfghbvffvhjjhhhgbbhgffvhjjjnhgggffcvbjkkmjhggffghjkkmnhggg k that should be enough.

Created by: Minecraft1

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What interests you most out of all of this?
  2. Does your best friend share a lot of your interests?
  3. What sounds like you the most?
  4. Does anyone in your life share a lot of traits with you?
  5. Do you and someone else ever spend hours talking to each other and never find that you have nothing to talk about?
  6. Do you and your best friend often hang out?
  7. Do you find yourself jealous every time someone gets close to someone?
  8. Do you like waffles?
  9. Back to this. Do you ever think of having a future with anyone?
  10. Who do you think is your soul mate?

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