Who is King David

This quiz is to test your knowledge about King David. This quiz has been established to test your knowledge and to teach you things that you may not know.

As you take this quiz do it without opening your Bible or using any cheat notes. This will give you a full understanding of what you know and what you need to read more about. Good look and God Bless

Created by: HCMBC of Havelock Community Missionary Baptist Church
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who was David's father
  2. Which Prophet anointed David as king?
  3. Which of these was not a wife of David?
  4. Which instrument did David play for Saul?
  5. What weapon did David use to kill Goliath?
  6. Who was David's great friend?
  7. How old was David when he died?
  8. Where was David born?
  9. Which book of the Bible records many of the hymns David wrote?
  10. What was David's occupation before he became king?

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