who in FNAF 1 is your friend

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ricel the rice girl, right now, we are taking a FNAF(five nights at freddy's) QUIZ!!!!( I love FNAF) uhh................ actually that's all I could Think about...

sorry, this quiz might be horrible, but it it not ( I just think ) ANSWER IT NOW!!! oh... WAIT NOT YET!!! uhh.........just saying... I hope you enjoy!

Created by: ricelthericegirl
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  3. What animal here do you like?
  4. What is your favourite thing among these?
  5. What do you like to be when you grow up?
  6. Who do you hate from FNAF 2?
  7. Who do you like from FNAF 2?
  8. What ability can you do?
  9. Where do you come from?( FNAF 2)
  10. There is a child poking you, what do you do?
  11. Did you enjoy the quiz?
  12. bye🙁

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Quiz topic: Who in FNAF 1 is my friend
