Who fnaf char is most like you (only fnaf 1)

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i dont care about this part ignore this well the derp lol idk ignore this T.T ok.. idk i love ie pie ok 50 mor ok idk lol i lie trains oh rly fart fnaf

i dont care about this part ignore this well the derp lol idk ignore this T.T ok.. idk i love ie pie ok 50 mor ok idk lol i lie trains oh rly fart fna

Created by: Foxydash
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you were a murderer you:
  2. If you were in a race you:
  3. You get a cupcake:
  4. Do you like chica?
  5. Do you like foxy?
  6. Do you like freddy?
  7. Do you like bonnie
  8. Who cause the bite of 87.
  9. FANAFFFFFFFF DADA do DE doooooooooo whats YOUR song?
  10. No effect how did you like this quiz 1-6

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