Who do you really love

They know u suck bad so kiss the right but up and do it make u strong now so he love love love you like a bio Y goat butt in a pepper path for joke now

Have fun in your for my life u not be hi so they bye I no now I hug hi u. Not why now I don't love u so suk me up u suck me u now no why I don't love u

Created by: Johnny Orlando
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What size would your dream girl/guy be?
  2. Who would your dream girl/guy be.
  3. What colour hair would your girlfriend or boyfriend be?
  4. What song do u like
  5. Would you like your girl to be.....
  6. Choose one of the flowing u would like to do do your girl
  7. What will your dream car be?
  8. Are u
  9. How much money $$$$ do you want .
  10. How would u get married
  11. If your girl was cheating on you would u....

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Quiz topic: Who do I really love