Who do you look like

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Choose one option that matches you the most. since many of them may do. this is just for fun. don't take it serious at all. At the end it'll give you the name of the character you're like.

A few simple question. answer carefully because even one question can change the result. I repeat: the result do not determine anything at all. Have fun!

Created by: Matina
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you think You're good looking?
  2. Do your Friends think you're good looking?
  3. Does your girlfriend/boyfriend think your good looking?
  4. 2+2=?
  5. your eye color
  6. Which color do you prefer?
  7. Which season do you prefer?
  8. warm or cold food?
  9. hot or cold drinks?
  10. Which one do you prefer as a pet?
  11. What type of movies?
  12. Which music genre?
  13. Do you wish to be someone else?
  14. If a dog is 356 and the Jupiter is 456 then a TV could be:

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Quiz topic: Who do I look like