WHO ARE YOU? You'll see after the questions

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This quiz is about finding who you are inside. If you wanna know you just got to do my quiz then you'll know pretty much everything. Thank you so much for taking the time to do this quiz

My quiz is pretty fun to use I'll make more in the future but for now this is the one and only there is and will be for awhile and if you just wanna laugh come to my quiz today

Created by: Vanessa Harrington
  1. What is this picture of?
  2. What is this?
  3. What is happening here?
  4. What do you think this is a picture of?
  5. What is happening in this picture?
  6. Do you know what this is?
  7. What do you think is going on here?
  8. Do you know what'd this pug doing?
  9. What do think Katara is feeling right now?
  10. How do you think she feels about herself right now?

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Quiz topic: WHO am I? You'll see after the questions
