Who are you supposed to be

A genius is a person who displays exceptional superior intellectual ability, creativity, or originality, typically to a degree that is associated with the achievement of new advances in a domain of knowledge. A scholar in many subjects or a scholar in a single subject may be referred to as a genius.[1] There is no scientifically precise definition of genius, and the question of whether the notion itself has any real meaning has long been a subject of debate, although psychologists are converging on a definition that emphasizes creativity and eminent achievement.

Take this poll and you will get your chance to proof yourself that you know everything about got! Your result will be amazing and i promise you will be suprised ...

Created by: Hodor
  1. What are you wearing right now?
  2. Which weapon is your choice?
  3. Whats your favourite song?
  4. What is your eyecolour?
  5. Which one would you like to meet?
  6. Which wrestler is your favourite one?
  7. Choose an element!
  8. Which is the first letter of your first name?
  9. Whats your colour?
  10. Whos your favourite got charakter?

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Quiz topic: Who am I supposed to be