Who Are You Really?

Do you like someone to be the other half of you? Do you want someone in your life to guide you and to love you always? Or do you not. You just want someone to have someone?

Who Are You Really? Um... I do not know. Have you often wondered? Yes. Then take this quiz! It will help you with that question of who are you really?!?!

Created by: Alicia
  1. How many people do you date a year?
  2. What kind of person are you looking for?
  3. Who you gonna go with as a date?
  4. Poplular or non-popular?
  5. Money or no money!
  6. When you date, do you care about the person?
  7. Compare your relationship between you and your boyfriend/girlfriend.
  8. Your feeling when he/she holds your hand.
  9. When was your last boyfriend/girlfriend?
  10. (This question will have no effect.) Which do you like most?

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Quiz topic: Who am I Really?