Who are you?(out of 11 originals)total drama

In this quiz we will see who you are most like ,Harold , heather,dj, Ezekiel ,leshawna, Noah ,Chris, Owen, Izzy ,or Geoff.who are you! Find out on this simple quiz.

There will be 10 questions to determen who you are like the most.Be honest. It doent matter who you get. In the end, I will tell you something that may be true about you.

Created by: Ryan Howering
  1. are You mean?
  2. Do you like to get wet?
  3. Are you strong ?
  4. Do you like to be in charge?
  5. Are you fat?
  6. Are you smart
  7. Are you negative?
  8. Will you do anything to win.
  9. Are you white?
  10. Do you hate Chris (total drama)

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Quiz topic: Who am I?(out of 11 originals)total drama
