WHO are you most like? (Ohana Adventure styel!!)

test yourself!! see which Ohana Adventure member you are most like in this EXTREMELY accurate test!! dig deep within yourself with these 10 questions to find out more about the Ohana and find you which Ohana YOU are!!

in this ALL NEW accurate test, see WHICH Ohana Adventure member you are most like!! Jase, the dad, rachel, the mom, Klai, the eldest, rykel, the second, eldest, shae, wyatt, evee, or cora?!?

Created by: Maria
  1. Which one would you rather on a Friday night?
  2. what would you bring on a long drive?
  3. what do you like?
  4. who is your favorite ohana character
  5. least favourite ohana adventure
  6. which of these would you be willing to do for £100/$100
  7. favourite color
  8. if you're asked to sing in school/church/neighborhood activity you would think:
  9. fav book genre?
  10. what is the first letter of your first name
  11. would you like more quizzes from me??

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Quiz topic: WHO am I most like? (Ohana Adventure styel!!)
