Who are you more like slaby or buttercup

Who are you more like are you more like the sugar suff girl or the power puff girl slaby is the helper of the sugar suff girl's buttercups the ruthles

Ruthless of the power puff girl's slabys a villain helper while buttercup is a hero so they don't get along in fact they hate each otherπŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”

Created by: Amelia
  1. You're eye color
  2. You're hair color
  3. You're dress color
  4. You're personality
  5. A demon is injured you
  6. Are you
  7. Are you bi
  8. A monkey has kidnapped the professor
  9. You love
  10. You hate

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Quiz topic: Who am I more like slaby or buttercup