Who are you like?

My butt hurts????????!? 2-4 months ago I was snowboarding and went off a jump and banded my tail bone so hard. Hurt so much but I ignored. Now wen I'm in school and am sitting for a long time in hard chairs I get this really bad Painn in my butt/tailbone. It hurts so much, it was lik 6 ft jump. Wats wrong with it and treatments, hopefully I dont hav to hav a doc. Look at my butt, that's y I'm so hesitant to go to the doc, LOL!

Some of you were asking to see some stuff with Mini Lemon (fweddie), grabbed a video of me playing ... Still got 2 months left of college and then I'll be uploading 3-4 videos a week, just like last year. .... I've recently opened up a new Districlines store for shirts: [no urls] .... Show Born ..

Created by: cloewashereXD
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Whats your most prized possession?
  2. Whats your most prized possession?
  3. Fave game?
  4. Bro Fist!!!
  5. Wednesdays....
  6. JAMES!!!!!!
  7. You are.....
  8. What letter does your name start with?
  10. Did you like my quiz?

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Quiz topic: Who am I like?