Who Are You In The Popular Clique?

Welcome to this quiz! It’s 6:06 AM and I have no life!:D *sobs in the corner* You’ll find out if you belong with the populars, or do you belong in the corner with lil old me?

Remember, this is the inaccurate work of a petulant 5th grader. I’m just tired of reading War and Peace. Do not take your result to heart because you’re amazing. Have fun!

Created by: BurpyButt
  1. How do you spend your Friday nights?
  2. What club do you join?
  3. How many friends do you have?
  4. How long do you spend getting ready?
  5. What sounds about right?
  6. Who are you spending your evening at a party with
  7. Now, what was this party?
  8. You’re at your locker and someone comes up to talk to you. Who do you think it is?
  9. Now, who do you THINK you are?
  10. Did you like this quiz
  11. If you answered the latter for the last question, guess what? IT WAS, CASEOH BIGBACk

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Quiz topic: Who am I In The Popular Clique?
