Who are you in the 1800s (for girls!)

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Hi, This is a quiz for any girl if they were wondering who they would be if they lived in the 1800s. I am supposed to write this paragraph and I have nothing to write about. Like duh! But whatever, I hope you like this quis. SO the instuctions are .....Just answer the questions wisely. Good luck!

And by the way. Just answer the questions the best you can. There is 6 different results. They are all pretty nice. Just if you have any questions about some words in this quiz just google it up.

Created by: Margarete
  1. Do you love to learn?
  2. Would you rather live in a town, city, or a farm?
  3. Do you like to boss around?
  4. Would you like to wear fancy clothes everyday?
  5. Would you rather live in a school or with really busy parents?
  6. Would you like to wear latest styles?
  7. Would you like to wear corsets and a lot of petticoats all the time?
  8. Do you want to be famous?
  9. Do want servents?Do you want to be a lazy 1800 girl?
  10. Are you good at sewing?

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Quiz topic: Who am I in the 1800s (for girls!)
