Who are you in my book?

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okay i created this quiz because i was bore. if we're being honest. i don't know what you will get. this may or may not be accurate. have fun with the quiz.

the example for this intro thing is dumb. Anime is an art form. if you love someone you don't hit them. maximum ride is a good book series. take the quiz.

Created by: anzime11
  1. Okay, let's get this over with quickly: What's your favorite color?
  2. Whats your favorite type of music?
  3. Okay! RPG time!: Your in the grocery store and you see a mother-daughter argument unfold. The little girl (daughter) wants a candy bar but mom says no. The daughter continues to beg and the mom slaps her across her face, hard. You...
  4. (RPG again) You see a cute girl/guy at the store. You...
  5. Do you believe in ghost/Demons/Angels?
  6. What is your hair color? (What color do wish it would be?)
  7. RPG!! You or someone else kills your girlfriend/boyfriend. You...
  8. A zombie comes at you. You...
  9. Okay! your best subject in school? (lunch doesn't count)
  10. Last Question! Did you like it?

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Quiz topic: Who am I in my book?