Who are you in Harry Potter!

This test will tell you are you Harry, Hermione, Ron, Sirius, Draco, or Neville! I hope you enjoy it the questions should not be hard just so you know!

You need to be honest so you know who you really are in harry potter don't care about questions because you just need to be honest and tell truth okey begin!

Created by: Poki
  1. Who is you'r favorite Harry potter character?
  2. Dementor is gonna kiss you what will you do
  3. Will you kill your self to save your friend or save your self and let Voldemort kill your friend
  4. You are Harry and Voldemort uses Avadakedavra at ron. What will you do?
  5. Whats your favorite subject
  6. Who is you'r favorite teacher/professor?
  7. What is scariest thing?
  8. What Harry Potter Book is Best!
  9. What do you do at free time?
  10. You are Ron and Hermione says that you have to do your homework with no help. What will you do

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Quiz topic: Who am I in Harry Potter!

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