Who are you in dbz dbgt dbs?

Hi, welcome to my quiz. You're going to find out who you are in DBZ, are you ready? Of course you want to know!

There are four different results, which one will you get? Just answer the questions and find out!

Created by: dbz guy of gamepad
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. When you are really strong what will you do?
  2. What are you like when you meet someone?
  3. Wich one is the move you like most.
  4. How strong do you think you are?
  5. How many times will you want to die?
  6. Who will you beat up like a boss?
  7. How will you kill your enemy?
  8. Who will you die to?
  9. Are you weak or strong?
  10. Wich word is the one you like the most.

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Quiz topic: Who am I in dbz dbgt dbs? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Adventure Quiz category.