Who Are You In Avatar The Last Airbender

Which Avatar The Last Airbender Character Are You. In a few questions you will know. So hurry up and start the quiz. What Are You Wating For. PLAYYYYY.

Have You Always Wanted To Know Which Avatar The Last Airbender Character You Are. Well Your In luck. In a few short minutes you will find out if your, Aang, Katara, Sokka, Zuko, Iroh, Toph, Azula, Jet, Suki, or Oazi.

Created by: Chase Watkins

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You Wake Up from an iceberg and are told that it is 100 years later. How do you react.
  2. What Bending Do You Like The Most
  3. The Avatar Asks You To Leave Your Life and Join his Gang. What do you say
  4. Your Arch Enemy Whos Been Trying Two Kill You For A Year says hes good and wants to join you. What Do You Say?
  5. You Loose Your Bison. What Do You Do
  6. You let your invasion force down and get all your friends locked up in prison except you
  7. You Let Your All of Your People Down and They All Died Because Of You. How Do You Handle This
  8. You Have The One Chance To Regain Your Honor as a hostage on your ship. What do you do with them
  9. Your Nephew Who You Love Like A Son Betrays You. How Do You Feel About It.
  10. Your Friend Who You Fear Is About To Hurt Your True Best Friend. What do you do?
  11. You Confront The Man Who Killed Your Mother. What Do You Do?
  12. What Did You Think Of This Quiz

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Quiz topic: Who am I In Avatar The Last Airbender