Who are you from the Leagence!

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Who are you from the Leagence? Find out in this quiz! Are you brave like Tia, strong like Mila or maybe kind like Vincent. Are you mischievous like Luke, flirty like Zack or are you smart like Jessica!

This quiz is made mostly for my friends but if you happen to come across it feel free to check it out! Hope you enjoy the quiz and get the result that best suits you!

Created by: Bubbles
  1. Are you male or female
  2. How would your friends describe you
  3. Are you smart
  4. Do you like to show off
  5. Element?
  6. Finally, are you a blond or brunette
  7. Hogwarts house?
  8. Percy Jackson or Jason Grace
  9. Do you like to say random things?
  10. Bubbles or Dylan

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Quiz topic: Who am I from the Leagence!
