who are you from shadowhunters books

hi guys, its me.u can call me chickenwings123 or bree4evah the crappiest names on earth but whatevs. this is just a quiz 4 u 2 c what charaecter u will be in cassie's books

i dont know what else to say so...fgryeg4yt4yutfw4ydgugytgygtw4yftrygtygrygyrsfjrfurgfjrfurehfuheghjhhuthuhurhgurhtuhruthuhtuwhuhhythyuwrhuihtruthurhttht

Created by: chickenwings123
  1. Are you older than 15 during the time of the second mortal cup
  2. Do you love the wrong person
  3. do you have a bf/gf or are married
  4. what colour hair so you have
  5. Have yu actually read the mortal instruments, the infernal devices, the last hours, the dark artifices and............
  6. i ned to do ten questions so mind these weird next ones
  7. do u like icecream
  8. how many jellyfish r there
  9. do alec and magnus reall belong 2 eachother
  10. do u believe robert and maryse should dicorce
  11. this is the end

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Quiz topic: Who am I from shadowhunters books

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