Who are you from MATILDA?

I haaate writing but I have to do this. So sorry but I’m just going to put random stuff: bgtyfjtyrhtyfhftyhfytj7f6u67rj67rj67rj6776j6urj67rj67rju6rj6urju6rj6urj76

Hhhrthtrdhtrdhtrhtrdjrtrthtrhrtjrthhhhhhhhhhfffrffgffffgfgjnbffhbdtkbfjtyjgyjftuutjfjyfuumyfumyfukuyfku6fkk6ufk6uk6ufku6fku6fkff6u6ufku6ku6ffk6uju6fk Hhhrthtrdhtrdhtrhtrdjrtrthtrhrtjrthhhhhhhhhhfffrffgffffgfgjnbffhbdtkbfjtyjgyjftuutjfjyfuumyfumyfukuyfku6fkk6ufk6uk6ufku6fku6fkff6u6ufku6ku6ffk6uju6fk

Created by: #Imthebest
  1. 8:30 AM on a Saturday morning you:
  2. The worst thing here….
  3. Your aim for school
  4. Your dream club
  5. Your dress sense
  6. You get lost at a fair….
  7. Your fav colour
  8. Your fav singer/band
  9. Your fav food
  10. Your fav drink

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Quiz topic: Who am I from MATILDA?
