Who are you from Inuyasha?

Blahhhhhhh blaahhhh Inuyasha bllahhhh kogas sexy bllllahhhhhhhh yaoi bblaaahhh fangasm blah. Im not a kitty. Oh hello there i didnt see you... So you want to find out you jew you are? Ok then But im wanring u did this at midight while watching Yu-gi-oh abriged sesries..

Do you have what it takes to be Amaricas Next Top Model? No! Well good cause I dont care! So are you ready? THEN TAKE THE QUIZ! No for rreal quit rading and take the quiz.WHY ARE YOU STILLL READING I JUST EFFING SAID TO TAKE THE QUIZ! Fine! Read then...baka.

Created by: Isisisbakurasfluffy
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Ok R.P time! You drop your ice cream your reaction is:
  2. Well now that you lost your frozen dairy treat you go out to eat at Marik and Bakura`s tea and steak shop. A waitress by the name of Haruhi accedentaily spills hot tea all over you and you say:
  3. Ok im done with that..so the dreaded question. Whats ur fav color (hide behind Koga)
  4. Ok im done with that..so the dreaded question. Whats ur fav color (hide behind Koga)
  5. Ok,so does anybody know where Bakura and Marik are from?
  6. Whats ur theme song?
  7. Who would cha marry?
  8. Favorite minor charater?
  9. Who do you want Kagome to be with?
  10. Who do you want Inuyasha to be with?

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Quiz topic: Who am I from Inuyasha?