Who are you from fnaf

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You like bonnie,brave and very normal at Things like tag,fnaf and things like that so ya,bye oh,i forgot that he moans like a child and attacks from the left

Do you like bonnie or even chica,who smashes pots and pans like a child,loves bonnie bunny,is a girl,attacks from the right,has a jumpscare glitch.simple....

Created by: Freddy
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's your favirote colour
  2. You are....
  3. You are.......
  4. Spell the name for the chicken or bunny
  5. :?
  6. Dotty
  7. Which charity you like
  8. What word would you annoy Your friends with
  9. What gender do you wanna be
  10. Rate out of 5

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Quiz topic: Who am I from fnaf