Who Are You From Five Kingdoms?

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Hi! This is a Five Kingdoms quiz. There are five questions, but the questions do not give away who you will be. I hope you like it, but if you don’t, there are other tests, too.

I hope you are ready to take the test! It is not hard, and none of it that I made involves with any of the details about who you are. There are 10 possible results, but you can only get one.

Created by: Charly
  1. What is you favorite color?
  2. What is your ideal vacation?
  3. What is your favorite number(out of these)?
  4. What is your favorite thing to do?
  5. What is your favorite letter?
  6. Which is your favorite book?
  7. What is your favorite song?
  8. What is your favorite element?
  9. What is your favorite texture?
  10. What is your favorite sport

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Quiz topic: Who am I From Five Kingdoms?
