Who Are You At Thanksgiving Dinner?

Hi! I’m eleven and bored, so don’t take these results seriously. Like if you are seven, google your symptoms when you’re sick and cry because you have stage four liver cancer, a fetus in your womb and twenty seconds to live.

You don’t take that seriously…right? The therapist runs when she hears my voice! Don’t make me call her, it would be really mean! I hope you enjoy this!

Created by: BurpyButt
  1. You approach a relative to have a conversation. How do you start it?
  2. What is your big news?
  3. What are you wearing?/What do you have with you?
  4. Who do you THINK you are?
  5. If you said the always pregnant sister, skip this
  6. What do you think the always pregnant sister should name her baby?
  7. Did you like this?
  8. Are you going to drink?
  9. Are you rude to people?

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Quiz topic: Who am I At Thanksgiving Dinner?
