Who are you at school?

Please don't take this too seriously. It's just a simple, unoriginal quiz that I decided to make. I hope that you enjoy it. :) :v) :/ :P ._. O_o OwO TwT

:0 :( :) :3 3: :c :] =) =( '-' x_x -_- =P B) :D D: sorry this is taking too long to fill up. God bless you. You can scroll down now. Hi. Hello. Rock on.

Created by: RockE
  1. Do you have a lot of friends (not counting online friends)?
  2. What do you do at recess?
  3. Do you like gym?
  4. Do you like to learn?
  5. Do you like books?
  6. Did you ever have a stanley
  7. Do you like volleyball?
  8. Are you in advanced classes?
  9. Do you play video games?
  10. What would you do if you got a really bad grade?
  11. Do you like sports?

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Quiz topic: Who am I at school?
