Who are you actually

Hello i am .... you will know who you are when you did this totaly awesome test. this test concludes some questions. i can decide who you are when you did this questions. do the test and see the results.

hello you entered the quiz... almost. you know that this contains questions. some will be a bit personal, but the good part comes next... you know they cannot be viewed by anyone. good luck.....!!

Created by: Tristan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you have a lot of friends like(15-20)?
  2. Do you have a feeling that your friends do like you?
  3. are u lonely the most of your time?
  4. Are u more pink or more nice-coloring skin.
  5. your personality is...
  6. do you join other people or are you asked to join?
  7. Who do you think you are a(n)...
  8. what do you think of your body...
  9. do you watch 'south park' almost every evening?
  10. how did the quiz go?

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Quiz topic: Who am I actually