Who are you according to Alex Jones.

Hey partner, Alex Jones needs to judge you, goooooooooooooood Luck! Blah poop la la la hi yall preech leeech teeech how many words do I have to do? oh I'm done

Remember, good luck! also more random words oh wait I'm done with this. no not yet, almost, there, we can do it, remember you can catch the dancing fever of the night.

Created by: Gay Frog
  1. What do you think of Alex Jones
  2. What is the plan the terrorists will use to attack AMERICA!!!!
  3. Who is spying on AMERICA!!!!
  4. What is the name of the TV show that Alex Jones runs.
  5. What is your favorite color.
  6. Who was the best president
  7. How does the Gay Bomb work
  8. Why does Alex Jones do what he does
  9. Who do you keep it real with
  10. Now use your instincts which one is which?

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