who are you?????!!!!!!!!!!

this is just to guess who you are or were at school it is a little mean but it is not true. enjoy this test don't take it seriously. i really hope you enjoy!

this is fun don't take it to serious. trust me i am a geek, it is just fun enjoy this is going to be fun you could be a trouble maker or a player. enjoy this quiz

Created by: passward

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. whitch did you like better?
  2. did you like school or are liking it?
  3. how many friends do you have?
  4. do you where glasses?
  5. what is or was your favorite class?
  6. do you like to text
  7. do you have a boy friend or a girl friend?
  8. whitch is better?
  9. do you have a older sibling?
  10. do you have face bumps?
  11. what is color?
  12. what is your hair color?
  13. what is your eye color?

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Quiz topic: Who am I?????!!!!!!!!!!