Who are you?????

Uh I made this at like 4am and am now looking over it. I'm not fixing anything so idk. Don't kill yourself it's not worth it. I think if you're trying to find out about yourself leave. I don't care about your self identity problems. I have enough of them

I didn't try so don't expect anything good. If you're actually reading this that's cool. Don't be mean to people that's really gross. If you like cats and lesbians don't be scared.

Created by: p---- sauce
  1. How Do you feel with your problems?
  2. What's your mental illness
  3. What is your favorite color
  4. How much toilet paper do you use
  5. Can you ride a bike?
  6. Strawberrys or bananas
  7. Can I have a peppermint?
  8. What's your sexuality
  9. Do you drink milk straight?
  10. What's your gender

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Quiz topic: Who am I?????
