Are you absolutely genius no nobody's perfect you did pretty good to be a first grader is something that you did okay I'm just trying to tell you the truth because when you go to someone elses please don't lie to you

Do you believe that you're a genius or not because if you don't believe in yourself no one else will be leaving you okay I'm just quiz so I kinda believe you're a genius but you can do better than that

Created by: honesty
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do u just lay down and do nothing all day
  2. Are you comfortable with doing things around other people
  3. How many friends do you have
  4. Are u comfortable telling me your business
  5. If you answered yes are you a be liver in God
  6. Do u believe that you can be something u really appreciate
  7. This is your 9th question so you have 3 left just pick a #
  8. How much money you making
  9. This dosn influence your results do you have dream
  10. Last question please give me a review of how this quiz was whether it was good or bad will you do it

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