this quiz tells you about what character you are mostly like in the twilight series.you will find out about the fictionate person inside of you and who you like the most?

do you have what it takes tosee who you are mostly like in the series of twiligh books.are you on team edward or jacob.you will find out who do you like the best.

Created by: JAKE
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you hate....
  2. if you could have a first kiss where would it be.
  3. who would you want to turn you into a vampire?
  4. who would you want as a love for your whole life.
  5. who would you rather fight
  6. what would you rather do
  7. what coler dress was bella in twilight during prom.
  8. whitch line do you like the most in eclipse.
  9. whats your favorite twilight book.
  10. who would you rather live with.

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