Which Five Nights At Freddy's Animatronic Are You?

See now which character of five nights at freddy are you remember what ever you are , kill the night guard, just kidding , have fun figguring out what animatronic are you.

Are you freddy , wholfy , chica, foxy, etc , figguret out now on this quiz are you the ruler , are you the killer or are you the "god whon" take the quiz to now?

Created by: beatriz
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's your favourit animal tipe?
  2. How do your friends describ you?
  3. What do you plan do at night?
  4. What's your favourit drink?
  5. What do you answer if somwhon say´s "I´m jezus"
  6. What do you ask to somwhon that visits you?
  7. How do you describe your friends?
  8. Whitch of these are your favourit animatronics.
  9. What do you whant to do?
  10. Last question , what's your favourit par.

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