Whispers in the wind...

Sorry this isnt part one, it just explains some things. SORRY. Part 1 will be out soon, so please look out for it. hahaha sorry about that, please have a good day or nigght

Sorry this isnt part one, it just explains some things. SORRY. Part 1 will be out soon, so please look out for it. hahaha sorry about that, please have a good day or nigght

Created by: singin234

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. His eyes flicked around the room, most people were talking quietly or dancing. Well this party stinks anyway, I might as well go. He thought, about to walk out the door, he saw her. In the darkest corner of the room she was standing alone. Her dress blended in with the darkness, she was sqeezing her hands together nervously. Her eyes staring out the window. His heart seemed to start racing, as she stepped out into the light. Wearing a short black dress with black slip on shoes with a bow on them. Her brown hair was straighten, it shined in the light. Her eyes were a greenish blue with a little grey. Around the colour of her eyes, they were a sliverish grey outline. Her eyes landed on him, as she walked closer to him. She yelled out something to him, he couldn't hear with the noise. That's when the lights went out. When they came back on, where she had been standing there was a red rose with a letter. He opened it, and read out loud. "Whispers and Screams"
  2. I pickup the pace, anyone could tell I was rushing or running from something. Turning the corner, I walk into an ally way. Maybe not the smartest idea, but I blend into the darkness. The sound of my feet hitting the wet ground, I am glad that's the only sound. I would hate to get caught by them. There is a group of people in this world called 'Blood Rose', they are not human. I haven't ran into some yet, not yet. They copied their name from the 'Bloody Roses', they are the same thing though. Bloody Roses hold there of the most powerful magical holders, they hold their magic in there body but they are evil. Blood Rose, is a group of people that use magic weapons and are evil. Blood Rose are pretty powerful still though. We all share something though, we have to keep it from the humans. Then their is people like me, we are called Whispers. We hold magic in our bodies but we are not so powerful yet. When you do hold magic in your bodies an you are powerful, they call you Whispers and Screams. We are all good. The last two groups are the Bloodied Roses and the Cries. The Cries are good, they are magic holders. While the Bloodied Roses are like Whispers but evil. Confusing? Yes, but I'll lern more. They are made up of groups, The Cries have a few different groups. Ash, Dust and so on. You can join any group. The only ones that don't have a group is Bloody Roses and Whispers and Screams.
  3. I haven't joined a group yet, so I am a lone wolf. That's what they call us, because we are alone. The rain starts to pour from the sky, I walk back onto the street and into a coffee shop. The bell rings as I walk in, it's filled with humans. Well that's just a guess. I sit down near the window
  4. Okay I know its short and its not reallly part 1. This is just to explain, part 1 will be out very soon. Sorry I just decied this :( Look out for part 1
  5. Okay I know its short and its not reallly part 1. This is just to explain, part 1 will be out very soon. Sorry I just decied this :( Look out for part 1
  6. Bye
  7. Bye
  8. Bye
  9. Bye
  10. Bye
  11. Bye
  12. Bye
  13. Bye

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