whick are you deathstroke or deadpool

have fun finding out if your deadpool, deathsroke or deadpool i made this for fun and i hope you like it because this is for you ...............................

i made this for fun and i hope you like it because this is for you a and t. love you strangely annoying brother zack (the creator of the quiz) have fun

Created by: Zack
  1. when would you plan to assassinate someone
  2. who came first the chicken or the egg
  3. who do you prefer
  4. what are you
  5. if you were given superpowers what would it be
  6. what was question 1 (without looking)
  7. who do you wanna be when your older
  8. are you the smallest in your class
  9. q3werdftgvbhyujiol
  10. anyone pick up the spelling mistake in the title

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Quiz topic: Whick am I deathstroke or deadpool