which yugioh character are you

THIS IS FOR PEOPLE WHO HAVE WATCHED THE WHOLE ORIGINAL SERIES OF YUGIOH!!!!!!!! Or people that know a lot about yugioh because of the anime, althogh they are two seperate things.

SAME AS THE FIRST PARAGRAPH!!! But also know that if you get yugi, I would die, because there is a pattern that develops in this, and that is really the only way to get yugi.

Created by: Vincent
  1. are you kind?
  2. are you good at yugioh?
  3. are you smart?
  4. Would you take a Blue-eyes over Dark Magician?
  5. would you take attack over spells and strategy?
  6. what is the character you want to be?
  7. what would you rather do, get trapped in the shadow realm and have the world be destroyed, or get killed by Darts and have the world be destroyed?
  8. who would you rather lose to, Joey or Kaiba?
  9. no question here
  10. same as the last one

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Quiz topic: Which yugioh character am I
