Which Yu-Gi-Oh Duelist Are You?

This is a quiz for people to better know themselves based on the heart of the cards, and as such the cards will tell you the person you are based off the show Yu-Gi-Oh.

There's a total of 9 character possibilities as an end result, perhaps it is you who will qualify as the king of games, or merely just some dumb rookie who thinks he knows a spell from a trap card, if you like the test let me know and thanks.

Created by: Raventheblack
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Why Do you Duel?
  2. What Type of monsters are in your deck?
  3. What's your dueling style?
  4. What's your favorite color?
  5. Do you have friends or family?
  6. If you managed to gather all 7 millinum items, what would you do?
  7. If you has to sacrifice something, what would it be?
  8. Where would your favorite place to duel be?
  9. What's your Favorite food?
  10. Do you honestly think your a good Duelist?

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Quiz topic: Which Yu-Gi-Oh Duelist am I?