Which Youtuber Would Date You?

Are you dan or Phil? Maybe sweet maybe awkward but. Always loved. Remeber that someone cares about you and if it seems like it doesn't know that I do .

Are you dan or Phil? Maybe sweet maybe awkward but. Always loved. Remeber that someone cares about you and if it seems like it doesn't know that I do?

Created by: Cathy
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Animal
  2. Friends describe you as...
  3. Potato
  4. Wink wink
  5. Do you love me?
  6. Do you like fob?
  7. Do you like phan?
  8. Sooo come here often?
  9. How many fs do you give?
  10. Like this quiz?

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