Which Youtuber is my best friend

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There is a website named youtube. You watch the channels and want them to be your friend. So, who's your best friend on youtube? Would you like to know?

Well, take the test and find out. You have the right to know your friend. Until now you could only wonder. But, now you get to know. So, let's find out!

Created by: ________insert name here
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who do you like more?
  2. Who would win?
  3. Are you in a relationship?
  4. Do you like smosh?
  5. If you are a girl or you were/are gay who would be your man?
  6. If you are a girl or you were/are gay who would be your man?
  7. Would you eat human?
  8. How much do you like jump scares?
  9. How old do you want your friend?
  10. What is your favorite kind of movie?

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