Which Youtuber Are You Most Like?

This is a quiz to see which girl youtuber you're most alike to! It is worked out by the amount of things you and the youtuber you are given have in common.

be sure to select the answer that is most suited to yourself, and you will get an accurate out come.

Created by: Rhi

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Whats your favourite type of videos?
  2. whats your hair colour?
  3. your personality in one word?
  4. ideal weekend?
  5. Dream job?
  6. eat in or out?
  7. eat healthy or unhealthy ?
  8. favourite youtuber?
  9. phone you're using?
  10. Eye colour?

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Quiz topic: Which Youtuber am I Most Like?