Which youtuber are you?

Many videos are being uploaded on youtube day by day from each youtuber, but which one are you, have you ever wondered?

Are you funny, seductive, crazy etc? Taking this quiz will also let you find what your personality is built up of!!! Take this quiz now!

Created by: christykwok

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like to make people laugh
  2. Ur quote?
  3. Which would you prefer to do the whole day?
  4. Do you like Bethany Mota?
  5. Do you game
  6. You are...
  7. You are most likely to be friends with...
  8. Your friends call you
  9. You are from
  10. Rate this quiz

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Quiz topic: Which youtuber am I?