Which YouTuber are you?

This quiz is probably not accurate.But Good Luck anyways.Also i need this to be 150 words long so im just gonna smash my head in the keyboard. esafsdggdtthdtdtguyryr4 fgygs

I just did it because i was bored and i didn't want to finish my English assignment....(hi Ms France)Enjoy the quiz and i hope you get the person you want.

Created by: Niven Rautenbach
  1. Which would you rather spend a weekend with?
  2. Which do you care more about?
  3. Do you swear?
  4. Who do you think you are? (This will have no effect on your result.)
  5. Do you like sports?
  6. Do you like to make jokes?
  7. Are you wealthy?
  8. Are you academically strong?
  9. Do you believe in God?
  10. Would you date a person for their looks or the amount of money they have?

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Quiz topic: Which YouTuber am I?
