Which Yandere Simulator character are you?

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Yandere Simulator is a complex game. It has lots of characters. The eliminations are really cool. The characters have different personalities and beliefs. The game is not released yet. I think it has full potential to be a great game.

Writing paragraphs can be boring and tiring. It is a tedious process. It is important though, because you want your quiz to have a good rating/score. A bad score can ruin a quiz.

Created by: N/A of My cool website
(your link here more info)
  1. How old are you?
  2. What is your gender?
  3. What is your hobby?
  4. If you had to pick one word to describe yourself what would it be?
  5. Do you have a crush, and are you in a relationship with them?
  6. What is your favorite color?
  7. Do you have any siblings?
  8. What is one thing that you do most often?
  9. Which of these nicknames do you like the best?
  10. Which club sounds most appealing to you?
  11. Roleplay: Your teacher caught you cheating on a test. What will you do?
  12. Roleplay: You saw your senpai talking to your enemy. What will you do?
  13. Roleplay: Somebody just texted you a picture of a d3ad body. They texted the words "I did that" right after the image. What will you do?
  14. Which of these is your favorite quote?
  15. Which Yan sim Youtuber do you watch? (No effect)

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Quiz topic: Which Yandere Simulator character am I?
