Which WWE wrestler i am

If you think you are talented and you could be a WWE superstar.Then try this quiz which superstar you resemble.You could be Cena,TJP or Undertaker.Ajp

You can check which WWE superstar you are.What will be your finisher and moves . You could be a superstar of RAW LIVE OR SMACK DOWN LIVE.Ammar Khaild Jutt ghhjk.

Created by: DJ Ammar

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which is your favourite finisher.
  2. Which WWE wrestler u most like.
  3. Which diva u like most?
  4. You like which continent?
  5. What do u do on free time?
  6. Who will you choose as your tag team partner?
  7. If you have to choose a guest refree among these who will u choose?
  8. Which championship do you want to hold?
  9. Which brand will you prefer?
  10. Are you happy this quiz is over?

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