Which Worldwide Bandboy will you entered?

Bandboy,a boy in a band,a band with a boy,being a dream for a girl,and being a dream for a world,sing a song,make a tour,complete an album,running from fan,create your own EMPIRE,This is life as a BANDBOY!

Everyone has dream to be in bandboy!Don't care what genre we are playing,being a part of bandboy!This is the place you find is yourself belong to One Direction,5 Second of Summer,Exo or BigBang!

Created by: hadifhorran
  1. Where your home u wish?
  2. in your band,how much member you have now?
  3. How much album that you have?
  4. Give me your one hits!
  5. Pick one!
  6. Who your mentors?(idols)
  7. what your fanclub last phrase?
  8. what your fanclub last phrase?
  9. Choose a phrase below that you think will be in your song!
  10. Choose a phrase below that you think will be in your song!
  11. Choose a phrase below that you think will be in your song!
  12. If your team have foreign where he from?
  13. Last,since when you're debut?

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Quiz topic: Which Worldwide Bandboy will I entered?