Which "Wonder" Character are you?

This Quiz is based on the book "Wonder". Some of the questions are quite obvious with who the answers belong to. If you don't like your answer, try again!

Taking this quiz will determine who you would be if you were to be in the "Wonder" story. The book "Wonder" is a very good book and I recommend reading it.

Created by: Sara
  1. Do you like "Star Wars"?
  2. Do you put yourself out there in a good way?
  3. Are you friends with people for popularity or for real friendships?
  4. What's your opinion on space?
  5. How do you see yourself?
  6. Do you consider your self rich?
  7. How do others see you?
  8. Who is your favorite character?
  9. Do you bully people?
  10. What is your favorite food?

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Quiz topic: Which "Wonder" Character am I?
