Which wolf rank are you?

There are soooo many smart people in the world, that it would take days to count. Some people are just plain dumb or act sooo stupid. Those people are wierd.

Are you sure you have the brain power to qualify for this quiz? Do you have what it takes to become what you think you are? Well in just a few short minutes you will find out!!!

Created by: Max

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you protective of your family?
  2. Would you risk your life to save others?
  3. Do you like to take care of babys?
  4. Are you scared of the rest of the pack?
  5. Are you a strong or weak?
  6. Do you like to live with others?
  7. Do you love meat?
  8. Do you love cats?
  9. Do you like to live in dark cold places?
  10. Do you like the woods?

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Quiz topic: Which wolf rank am I?