Which WoF tribe are you in the 3rd arc? spioler alert!

Hi. This a person who randomly exists, and I just made a Wings of Fire fan quiz to see what tribe you are from in the 3rd arc. Be warned!! This contains spoilers! Only take this quiz if you have read all 3 arcs! This is my 1st time making a quiz, so I hope you enjoy it! Thanks! --A person who randomly exists--

PS: Just so every one knows, for sure, Tui T Sutherland is the creator of WoF here. Thank HER. She's the mastermind. So yup. Woooooooooooooooooooooooo :b

Created by: H L
  1. What would you do if you had a flamesilk sibling who got taken away and it was possible YOU were a flame silk too?
  2. What fighting ability sounds best to you?
  3. What your reaction to scavengers as a dragon?
  4. What are your feelings towards Silkwings?
  5. And what about Hivewings? What are your feelings about them?
  6. Which describes you most??
  7. What color combination do you like most?
  8. What sounds like the most ideal place to live?
  9. What do you want to be?
  10. Are you ready to see you answer? (This won't affect your score.)

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Quiz topic: Which WoF tribe am I in the 3rd arc? spioler alert!
